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Report title |
Monthly Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) Report |
Document code |
EM&A-04 |
Project number |
P525672 |
File path |
Client |
Wing Tat Civil Engineering Co. Limited |
Client contact |
Client reference |
Author |
Reviewer |
0 |
2024-06-13 |
First Issue |
Joe Ho |
F. C. Tsang |
Kevin Li |
1 |
2024-06-17 |
Revision based on IEC comments |
Joe Ho |
F. C. Tsang |
Kevin Li |
2 |
2024-06-17 |
Revision based on IEC comments |
Joe Ho |
F. C. Tsang |
Kevin Li |
Author signature |
Certified by |
Name |
Joe Ho |
Name |
F. C. Tsang |
Title |
Environmental Team Consultant |
Title |
Environmental Team Leader |
1.2 Construction Works Programme
1.4 Construction Works Programme and Construction Works Area
1.5 Summary of Environmental Status
2.3 Monitoring Parameter and Frequency
2.4 Sampling Depths & Replication
2.8 Action and Limit Level for Water Quality Monitoring
3.2 Noise Monitoring Parameter, Frequency and Duration
3.3 Monitoring Equipment, Methodology and QA / QC Procedure
3.4 Maintenance and Calibration
4.2 Habitat Compensation for the Affected Riverine Habitat
9 Environmental Site Inspection and Audit
9.1 Implementation Status of Environmental Mitigation Measures
10 Summary of Monitoring Exceedance, Complaints, Notification of Summons and Prosecutions
10.2 Summary of Environmental Non-Compliance
10.3 Summary of Environmental Complaint
10.4 Summary of Environmental Summon and Successful Prosecution
11.1 Works and Potential Environmental Issues in the next Reporting Period
12.2 Comments/ Recommendations
Appendix 1.1 Construction Programme
Appendix 1.2 Project Organization Chart
Appendix 1.3 Implementation Status of Environmental Mitigation Measure
Appendix 2.1 Calibration Certificates of Impact Water Quality Monitoring Equipment
Appendix 2.2 Event and Action Plan for Water Quality Exceedance
Appendix 2.3 Impact Monitoring Schedule of the Reporting Month
Appendix 2.4 Impact Water Quality Monitoring Data
Appendix 3.1 Calibration Certificates of Impact Noise Monitoring Equipment
Appendix 3.2 Event and Action Plan for Noise Exceedance
Appendix 3.3 Impact Noise Monitoring Data
Appendix 11.1 Impact Monitoring Schedule of Next Reporting Month
Figure 1.1 General Site Location Plan
Figure 1.2 Location of Work Areas for the Project
Figure 2.1 Impact Water Quality Monitoring Locations
Figure 3.1 Impact Noise Monitoring Locations
Figure 8.1 Area for Archaeological Survey
Table A1 Summary of EM&A activities in the Reporting Period
Table A2 Summary of Exceedances in the Reporting Period
Table A3 Summary of Exceedances of the Last Reporting Period
Table 1.1 Parties Involved in Project Organisation
Table 1.2 Status of Environmental License, Notifications and Permits
Table 1.3 Summary of Status for Key Environmental Aspects under the Approved EM&A Manual
Table 2.1 Summary of Impact Water Quality Monitoring Stations
Table 2.2 Parameters measured in the Impact Water Quality Monitoring
Table 2.3 Water Quality Monitoring Equipment
Table 2.4 Method for Laboratory Analysis for Water Samples
Table 2.5 Action and Limit Levels for Water Quality
Table 2.6 Action and Limit Levels of Water Quality
Table 2.7 Summary of Exceedance Records of Water Quality Monitoring in the Reporting Period
Table 2.8 Summary of Exceedance Records of Water Quality Monitoring in the Reporting Period
Table 3.1 Noise Monitoring Stations during Construction Phase
Table 3.2 Construction Noise Monitoring Parameter, Frequency and Duration
Table 3.3 Construction Noise Monitoring Equipment
Table 3.4 Action and Limit Levels for Construction Noise Monitoring
Table 3.5 Summary of Construction Noise Monitoring Results
Table 3.6 Influencing Factors at Noise Monitoring Stations
Table 8.1 Mitigation Measures for Impacted Graded Historic Buildings
Table 9.1 Site Inspection Record
A1. This is the 4th Monthly Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) Report for Drainage Improvement Works Near Four Villages in Yuen Long (the Project). This report was prepared by Aurecon Hong Kong Limited under Contract No. DC/2022/02 Drainage Improvement Works at Yuen Long – Stage 2 (hereinafter called the “Contract”). This report documents the findings of EM&A works during the reporting period from 1 May to 31 May 2024.
A2. A summary of construction activities undertaken during the reporting period is presented below:
§ Site Clearance Work
§ Lifting Operation;
§ Plant Operation;
§ Excavation;
§ Sheet Piling; and
§ Installation of Precast Unit
Lin Fa Tei
§ Site Clearance Work
§ Lifting Operation;
§ Plant Operation;
§ Excavation; and
§ Sheet Piling
Sung Shan New Village
§ Site Clearance
A3. The monthly EM&A programme was undertaken by the ET in accordance with the approved EM&A Manual. A summary of the monitoring and audit activities during the reporting period is presented in Table A1.
Table A1 Summary of EM&A activities in the Reporting Period
EM&A Activities |
Date |
Water Quality Monitoring |
Ha Che, Lin Fa Tei and Sung Shan New Village: 2, 7, 9, 11, 14, 16, 18, 21, 23, 25, 28 and 30 May 2024 |
Noise Monitoring |
Ha Che, Lin Fa Tei and Sung Shan New Village: 3, 10, 17, 24 and 31 May 2024 |
Weekly Environmental Site Inspection |
2, 8 16, 22 and 29 May 2024 |
A4. Summary of the environmental exceedances of the reporting month is tabulated in Table A2.
Table A2 Summary of Exceedances in the Reporting Period
Environmental Monitoring |
Parameter |
No. of non-project related exceedances(1) |
Total No. of non-project related exceedances(1) |
No. of exceedances related to the the project(1) |
Total No. of exceedance related to the project(1) |
AL |
LL |
AL |
LL |
Water Quality |
DO |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Turbidity |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
SS |
0 |
4 |
4 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Noise |
Leq(30mins) |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
(1) Only exceedances recorded on 2/5, 7/5 and 14/5 are counted. Since the exceedances recorded on 16/5, 18/5, 23/5, 25/5, 28/5 and 30/5 are under investigation, the results of investigation will be presented on next monthly EM&A report.
A5. After the investigation, exceedances recorded on 23/4, 25/4, 27/4 and 29/4 were considered non-project related. The updated summary of the environmental exceedances of the last reporting month (i.e April 2024) is tabulated in Table A3.
Table A3 Summary of Exceedances of the Last Reporting Period
Environmental Monitoring |
Parameter |
No. of non-project related exceedances |
Total No. of non-project related exceedances |
No. of exceedances related to the the project |
Total No. of exceedance related to the project |
AL |
LL |
AL |
LL |
Water Quality |
DO |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Turbidity |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
SS |
2 |
7 |
9 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Noise |
Leq(30mins) |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Water Quality
A6. Water quality monitoring was conducted as scheduled in the reporting period except for water quality monitoring scheduled on 5 May 2024 and 21 May 2021 due to adverse weather. Eleven (11) limit level exceedances for SS during impact water quality monitoring were recorded during reporting period. After investigation, exceedances recorded on 2/5, 7/5 and 14/5 were considered non-project related. Since the exceedances recorded on 16/5, 18/5, 23/5, 25/5, 28/5 and 30/5 are under investigation, the results of investigations will be presented on next monthly EM&A report.
A7. For the exceedances recorded 23/4, 25/4, 27/4 and 29/4 during the last reporting period, all the exceedances were considered non-project related after the investigation.
A8. No Action Level or Limit Level exceedance was recorded for construction noise monitoring in the reporting period.
A9. No environmental complaint was received in the reporting period.
A10. No notification of summons or successful prosecutions was received in the reporting period.
A11. Construction works at Tai Wo are only allowed during dry season (i.e. October to March) in accordance with Condition 3.2 of EP No.: EP-596/2021. Thus, the construction EM&A programme at Tai Wo, including impact water quality monitoring, impact noise monitoring and weekly inspection, are temporarily suspended during the reporting period.
A12. The noise monitoring at LFT_M7 have been suspended since 27 March 2024 due to the objection from property management office for providing access to designated monitoring location. The property management office formally refused our application of access right LFT_M7 on 29 May 2024. A proposal for alternative noise monitoring location replacing LFT_M7 at Lin Fa Tei was submitted to Independent Environmental Checker (IEC) and Engineer for their approval.
A13. The schedule impact water quality monitoring on 5 May 2024 was cancelled due to adverse weather. Impact water quality monitoring on 21 May 2024 was only conducted at C9 and C10 due to the adverse weather.
A14. The major site activities for the next reporting period are summarized below:
§ Site Clearance Work
§ Lifting Operation;
§ Plant Operation;
§ Excavation;
§ Sheet Piling; and
§ Installation of Precast Unit
Lin Fa Tei
§ Site Clearance Work
§ Lifting Operation;
§ Plant Operation;
§ Excavation; and
§ Sheet Piling
Sung Shan New Village
§ Site Clearance
Diagram 1.1 Organisation Chart
Table 1.1 Parties Involved in Project Organisation
Parties |
Organization / Company |
Project Proponent |
Drainage Services Department |
Supervisor / Engineer’s Representative (ER) |
Atkins China Ltd |
Contractor |
Wing Tat Civil Engineering Co. Limited |
Environmental Team (ET) |
Aurecon Hong Kong Limited |
Independent Environmental Checker (IEC) |
Mott MacDonald Hong Kong Limited |
§ Site Clearance Work
§ Lifting Operation;
§ Plant Operation;
§ Excavation;
§ Sheet Piling; and
§ Installation of Precast Unit
Lin Fa Tei
§ Site Clearance Work
§ Lifting Operation;
§ Plant Operation;
§ Excavation; and
§ Sheet Piling
Sung Shan New Village
§ Site Clearance
Table 1.2 Status of Environmental License, Notifications and Permits
Permit / License No. |
Valid Period |
Status |
From |
To |
Environmental Permit |
EP-596/2021 |
28/09/2021 |
N/A |
Valid |
Notification pursuant to Air Pollution Control (Construction Dust) Regulation[NN1] |
Ref. Number: 497623 |
29/09/2023 |
N/A |
Valid |
Billing Account for Disposal of Construction Waste |
7048880 |
18/10/2023 |
N/A |
Valid |
Registration of Chemical Waste Producer |
5213-526-W3771-01 |
02/11/2023 |
N/A |
Valid |
Effluent Discharge License under Water Pollution Control Ordinance |
Ha Che WT10002496-2023 |
26/04/2024 |
30/04/2029 |
Valid |
Lin Fa Tei WT10002494-2023 |
24/05/2024 |
31/05/2029 |
Valid |
Tai Wo NA |
NA |
NA |
Under Application |
Sung Shan New Village NA |
NA |
NA |
Under Application |
Table 1.3 Summary of Status for Key Environmental Aspects under the Approved EM&A Manual
The baseline water quality monitoring results have been reported in Baseline Monitoring Report and submitted to EPD under EP Condition 4.3. |
The regular impact water quality monitoring was commenced at Ha Che on 21 February 2024. Since construction works were commenced at Lin Fa Tei and Tai Wo on 20 March 2024, impact water quality monitoring at Lin Fa Tei (i.e. C6, C7A and C8) and Tai Wo (i.e. C4 and C5) were started 20 March 2024. Impact water quality monitoring at Sung Shan New Village (i.e. C1A, C2 and C3A) was commenced on 17 April 2024 since the construction work at Sung Shan New Village was begun on 16 April 2024. Construction works at Tai Wo are only allowed during dry season (i.e. October to March) in accordance with Condition 3.2 of EP No. EP-596/2021. Thus, the impact water quality monitoring at Tai Wo is temporarily suspended during the reporting period. |
Up to the end of the reporting period, the baseline noise monitoring results for Ha Che have been reported in the Baseline Monitoring Report and submitted to the EPD under EP Condition 4.3. Baseline noise monitoring results for Tai Wo, Lin Fa Tei, and Sung Shan New Village will be further updated in the Baseline Monitoring Report and submitted to the EPD. |
The weekly impact noise monitoring was commenced at Ha Che on 23 February 2024. Since construction works were commenced at Lin Fa Tei and Tai Wo on 20 March 2024, impact noise monitoring at Lin Fa Tei (i.e. LFT_M1, LFT_M3A, LFT_M7 and LFT_M11) and Tai Wo (i.e. TW_M2 and TW_M3) were started 20 March 2024. Impact noise monitoring at Sung Shan New Village (i.e. SSNV_M2, SSNV_M3 and SSNV_M6) was commenced on 19 April 2024 since the construction work at Sung Shan New Village was begun on 16 April 2024. Construction works at Tai Wo are only allowed during dry season (i.e. October to March) in accordance with Condition 3.2 of EP No.: EP-596/2021. Thus, the impact noise monitoring at Tai Wo is temporarily suspended during the reporting period. |
The first draft of HCMP was submitted to the EPD and the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) on 22 December 2023. Following comments from the EPD and AFCD dated 17 January 2024, the revised HCMP was submitted to EPD and AFCD for further review. Further comment was received from EPD on 27 May 2024, the HCMP is pending for revision. |
No suspected contamination was observed or reported by the Contractor in the reporting period. |
The first draft of LVMP was submitted to the EPD, the AFCD and the Planning Department (PlanD) on 22 December 2023. Following comments from the EPD, AFCD and PlanD on 7 February 2024, the LVMP is pending for further revision. |
Weekly Site Audit |
Archaeological Survey will be carried out at site area within Lin Fa Tei of Archaeological Interest. |
Site Inspection covering Measures of Air Quality, Noise, Water Quality, Waste, Land Contamination, Ecological Quality, Landscape and Visual Impacts and Cultural Heritage |
Table 2.1 Summary of Impact Water Quality Monitoring Stations
Stream |
Monitoring ID |
Coordinates (HK Grid) |
Remarks |
Easting |
Northing |
C1A (1) |
821702 |
831945 |
Alternative Impact Monitoring Point |
C2 |
822459 |
831470 |
Control Monitoring Point |
C3A (2) |
822413 |
831284 |
Alternative Control Monitoring Point |
TW |
C4 (3) |
825497 |
830664 |
Control Monitoring Point |
C5 (3) |
825486 |
830716 |
Impact Monitoring Point |
C6 |
827232 |
831713 |
Control Monitoring Point |
C7A (4) |
826865 |
832115 |
Alternative Control Monitoring Point |
C8 |
826513 |
832075 |
Impact Monitoring Point |
HC |
C9 |
828304 |
835029 |
Control Monitoring Point |
C10 |
827919 |
834271 |
Impact Monitoring Point |
(1) At Station C1, access to safe sampling of water is not feasible due to steep banks on both sides of the stream channel. An alternative monitoring location is proposed at Station C1A, which is about 250 m along the same stream channel downstream of Station C1 and is accessible for safe water sampling.
(2) During the first day of baseline monitoring at Station C3, shallow water was observed, and the ET could not sample enough water for monitoring. As agreed by the ER, the Contractor, and the IEC, a new sampling location, Station C3A, was identified at about 130 m upstream and was accessible for water sampling.
(3) Construction works at Tai Wo are only allowed during dry season (i.e. October to March) in accordance with Condition 3.2 of EP No.: EP-596/2021. Thus, the impact water quality monitoring at Tai Wo was temporarily suspended during the reporting period.
(4) For Station C7, the location is not close to the nearest, revised works boundary (about 200 m away). An alternative monitoring location is proposed at Station C7A, which is about 23 m upstream of the nearest, revised works boundary.
Table 2.2 Parameters measured in the Impact Water Quality Monitoring
Parameter |
Frequency |
Duration |
Dissolved oxygen (DO), temperature, turbidity, salinity, pH, stream water depth and suspended solids (SS) |
3 days in a week |
Throughout the construction phase |
Dissolved Oxygen and Temperature Measuring Equipment
§ A dissolved oxygen level in the range of 0 – 20 mg/L and 0 – 200% saturation; and
§ The temperature within 0 – 45 °C.
Turbidity Measurement Equipment
Suspended Solids
Water Depth Detector
Monitoring Position Equipment
Water Sampling Equipment
Calibration of In-situ Instruments
Back-up Equipment
Table 2.3 Water Quality Monitoring Equipment
Equipment |
Model |
Quantity |
Serial No. |
Parameter |
Range |
Accuracy |
Water Sampler |
Wildco 2.2L Water Sampler with messenger or plastic bucket (used in shallow water depth) |
1 |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Multi-functional Water Quality Meter |
YSI ProDSS (multi-parameters) |
2 |
15M101091 and 22C106561 |
Dissolved Oxygen (DO) |
0 to 500% |
· 0 to 200%: ±1% of reading · 200 to 500%: ±8% of reading |
0 to 50 mg/L |
· 0 to 20 mg/L: ±0.1 mg/L or 1% of reading, whichever is greater · 20 to 50 mg/L: ±8% of reading |
Temperature |
-5 to 50 °C |
±0.2 °C |
pH |
0 to 14 pH units |
±0.2 pH units |
Turbidity |
0 to 4000 NTU |
· 0 to 999 NTU: 0.3 NTU or ±2% of reading, whichever is greater · 1000 to 4000 NTU: ±5% of reading |
Water Depth Ruler |
鼎峯0708 |
1 |
NA* |
Water depth |
0 – 7 m (Used for water depth less than 1 m) |
±0.01 m |
Positioning Equipment |
Garmin (GPSmap 78s) |
1 |
1WL223754 |
Positioning |
N/A |
GPS: ±1m |
Laboratory Analytical Methods
Table 2.4 Method for Laboratory Analysis for Water Samples
Parameters |
Analytical Method |
Detection Limit |
Suspended Solid (SS) |
APHA 17ed 2540-D (1) |
1 mg/L or better |
(1) APHA American Public Health Association Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater.
Decontamination Procedures
Sampling Management and Supervision
Quality Control Measures for Sample Testing
§ One method blank; and
§ One set of QC sample
Table 2.5 Action and Limit Levels for Water Quality
Action Level |
Limit Level |
DO in mg/L |
< 5%-ile of baseline data |
< 4 mg/L or < 1%-ile of baseline data |
SS in mg/L |
> 95%-ile of baseline data or >120% of upstream control station of the same day |
> 99%-ile of baseline data or 130% of upstream control station of the same day |
Turbidity in NTU |
> 95%-ile of baseline data or >120% of upstream control station of the same day |
> 99%-ile of baseline data or > 130% of upstream control station of the same day |
(1) For DO, non-compliance of the water quality limit occurs when monitoring result is lower than the limit.
(2) For SS and turbidity, non-compliance of the water quality limit occurs when monitoring result is higher than the limit.
(3) All the figures given in the table are used for reference only and the EPD may amend the figures whenever it is considered necessary.
Table 2.6 Action and Limit Levels of Water Quality
Monitoring ID |
Parameters |
Action |
Limit |
C1A |
DO in mg/L |
6.72 |
4 (1) |
SS in mg/L |
7.3 or >120% of upstream control station of the same day |
8.5 or > 130% of upstream control station of the same day |
Turbidity in NTU |
10.37 or >120% of upstream control station of the same day |
10.81 or > 130% of upstream control station of the same day |
TW |
C5 |
DO in mg/L |
8.36 |
4 (2) |
SS in mg/L |
9.9 or > 120% of upstream control station of the same day |
10.0 or > 130% of upstream control station of the same day |
Turbidity in NTU |
13.64 or > 120% of upstream control station of the same day |
13.87 or > 130% of upstream control station of the same day |
C8 |
DO in mg/L |
5.38 |
4 (3) |
SS in mg/L |
6.3 or > 120% of upstream control station of the same day |
7.0 or > 130% of upstream control station of the same day |
Turbidity in NTU |
12.46 or > 120% of upstream control station of the same day |
12.94 or > 130% of upstream control station of the same day |
HC |
C10 |
DO in mg/L |
2.55 |
2.43 (4) |
SS in mg/L |
8.7 or > 120% of upstream control station of the same day |
8.8 or > 130% of upstream control station of the same day |
Turbidity in NTU |
20.06 or > 120% of upstream control station of the same day |
21.07 or > 130% of upstream control station of the same day |
(1) The 1%-ile of baseline DO data at C1A is 6.61 mg/L, which is higher than 4 mg/L. Thus, DO concentration of 4 mg/L, which is in line with the Water Quality Objectives, is adopted as the limit level.
(2) The 1%-ile of baseline DO data at C5 is 8.09 mg/L, which is higher than 4 mg/L. Thus, DO concentration of 4 mg/L, which is in line with the Water Quality Objectives, is adopted as the limit level.
(3) The 1%-ile of baseline DO data at C8 is 5.36 mg/L, which is higher than 4 mg/L. Thus, DO concentration of 4 mg/L, which is in line with the Water Quality Objectives, is adopted as the limit level.
(4) The 1%-ile of baseline DO data at C10 is 2.43 mg/L, which is lower than 4 mg/L. Taking account of the baseline water quality condition and to minimise any false alarm of water quality deterioration during construction phase, DO concentration of 2.43 mg/L is adopted as the limit level.
Table 2.7 Summary of Exceedance Records of Water Quality Monitoring in the Reporting Period
Date |
Station |
Parameter (Unit) |
Averaged Measured Value |
Exceedance |
Exceedances due to the Project |
Action Level (AL) |
Limit Level (LL) |
02/05 |
C1A |
SS (mg/L) |
12.0 |
ü |
NO |
C2 |
11.1 |
N/A (Control Monitoring Point) |
C3A |
4.1 |
N/A (Control Monitoring Point) |
C6 |
7.2 |
N/A (Control Monitoring Point) |
C7A |
7.8 |
N/A (Control Monitoring Point) |
C8 |
29.5 |
ü |
NO |
07/05 |
C6 |
SS (mg/L) |
2.0 |
N/A (Control Monitoring Point) |
C7A |
7.1 |
N/A (Control Monitoring Point) |
C8 |
15.0 |
ü |
NO |
14/05 |
C6 |
SS (mg/L) |
7.7 |
N/A (Control Monitoring Point) |
C7A |
8.1 |
N/A (Control Monitoring Point) |
C8 |
13.0 |
ü |
NO |
16/05 |
C6 |
SS (mg/L) |
9.6 |
N/A (Control Monitoring Point) |
C7A |
3.6 |
N/A (Control Monitoring Point) |
C8 |
11.0 |
ü |
-(1) |
18/05 |
C6 |
SS (mg/L) |
4.2 |
N/A (Control Monitoring Point) |
C7A |
5.9 |
N/A (Control Monitoring Point) |
C8 |
26.5 |
ü |
-(1) |
C9 |
8.8 |
N/A (Control Monitoring Point) |
C10 |
13.5 |
ü |
-(1) |
23/05 |
C6 |
SS (mg/L) |
5.9 |
N/A (Control Monitoring Point) |
C7A |
7.1 |
N/A (Control Monitoring Point) |
C8 |
14.0 |
ü |
-(1) |
C9 |
5.1 |
N/A (Control Monitoring Point) |
C10 |
12.0 |
ü |
-(1) |
28/05 |
C6 |
SS (mg/L) |
9.6 |
N/A (Control Monitoring Point) |
C7A |
6.1 |
N/A (Control Monitoring Point) |
C8 |
22.9 |
ü |
-(1) |
30/05 |
C6 |
SS (mg/L) |
3.8 |
N/A (Control Monitoring Point) |
C7A |
4.9 |
N/A (Control Monitoring Point) |
C8 |
10.5 |
ü |
-(1) |
(1) Since the exceedances recorded on 16/5, 18/5, 23/5, 25/5, 28/5 and 30/5 are under investigation, the results of investigation will be presented on next monthly EM&A report.
Table 2.8 Summary of Exceedance Records of Water Quality Monitoring in the Reporting Period
Parameter |
No. of non-project related exceedances(1) |
Total No. of non-project related exceedances(1) |
No. of exceedance related to the Project(1) |
Total No. of exceedance related to the Project(1) |
AL |
LL |
AL |
LL |
Dissolved Oxygen |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Turbidity |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Suspended Solids |
0 |
4 |
4 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
(1) Only exceedances recorded on 2/5, 7/5 and 14/5 are counted. Since the exceedances recorded on 16/5, 18/5, 23/5, 25/5, 28/5 and 30/5 are under investigation, the results of investigation will be presented on next monthly EM&A report.
Table 2.9 Summary of Outstanding Exceedance Records of Water Quality Monitoring in the Last Reporting Period
Date |
Station |
Parameter (Unit) |
Averaged Measured Value |
Exceedance |
Exceedances due to the Project |
Action Level (AL) |
Limit Level (LL) |
23/04 |
C9 |
SS (mg/L) |
7.5 |
N/A (Control Monitoring Point) |
C10 |
17.5 |
ü |
NO |
25/04 |
C6 |
SS (mg/L) |
8.20 |
N/A (Control Monitoring Point) |
C7A |
35.5 |
N/A (Control Monitoring Point) |
C8 |
36.5 |
ü |
NO |
C9 |
3.7 |
N/A (Control Monitoring Point) |
C10 |
17.5 |
ü |
NO |
27/04 |
C6 |
SS (mg/L) |
9.3 |
N/A (Control Monitoring Point) |
C7A |
5.2 |
N/A (Control Monitoring Point) |
C8 |
9.5 |
ü |
NO |
29/04 |
C1A |
SS (mg/L) |
13.0 |
ü |
NO |
C2 |
22.5 |
N/A (Control Monitoring Point) |
C3A |
3.2 |
N/A (Control Monitoring Point) |
C6 |
1.3 |
N/A (Control Monitoring Point) |
C7A |
9.2 |
N/A (Control Monitoring Point) |
C8 |
22.0 |
ü |
NO |
Table 3.1 Noise Monitoring Stations during Construction Phase
ID No. (1) |
Location |
Nature of Uses |
Type of Measurement |
Village house next to a nullah in Tong Tai Po Tsuen (near DD118 1720 S.A) |
Residential |
Façade |
Village house near a soybean sauce factory in Sung Shan New Village (near DD118 1712) |
Residential |
Façade |
#43, Sung Shan New Village |
Residential |
Free-field |
TW_M2 |
#200, Cheung Po |
Residential |
Free-field |
TW_M3 |
Kai Yip Garden, #3H, Tai Wo |
Residential |
Free-field |
LFT_M1 |
#2G, Lin Fa Tei |
Residential |
Façade |
LFT_M3A (2) |
Near #125B, Lin Fa Tei |
Residential |
Free-field |
LFT_M5 |
#156B, Lin Fa Tei |
Residential |
Façade |
LFT_M7 |
Village house near the nullah (DD112 699 S.E) |
Residential |
Façade |
LFT_M11 (2) |
#210, Ngau Keng Tsuen |
Residential |
Façade |
HC_M3A (2) |
Next to DD111 326 S.B RP near Fan Kam Road |
- |
Free-field |
HC_M4 |
#1C, Chuk Hang |
Residential |
Façade |
HC_M6 |
The Arbutus House 12, #52, Shui Kan Shek |
Residential |
Façade |
(1) SSNV – Sung Shan New Village; TW – Tai Wo; LFT – Lin Fa Tei; HC – Ha Che.
(2) LFT_M3A, LFT_M11, HC_M3A and are alternative noise monitoring stations proposed to replace LFT_M3, LFT_M13 and HC_M3, respectively.
Table 3.2 Construction Noise Monitoring Parameter, Frequency and Duration
Monitoring Station |
Parameter |
Frequency and Duration |
HC_M3A, HC_M4, HC_M6, TW_M2, TW_M3, LFT_M1, LFT_M3A, LFT_M5, LFT_M7 and LFT_M11 |
Leq(30mins) (as a logarithmic average of 6 consecutive Leq(5mins)) |
Once every week throughout the construction phase |
§ For façade measurement, the monitoring station was set at a point 1 m from the exterior of the sensitive receivers building façade and set at a position 1.2 m above the ground. For free-field measurement, the monitoring station was set at a position 1.2 m above the ground.
§ The battery condition was checked to ensure good functioning of the meter.
§ Parameters such as frequency weighting, the time weighting and the interval were set as follows:
- Frequency weighting: A
- Time weighting: Fast
- Interval: 30 minutes (Leq(30mins)) would be determined for daytime noise by calculating the logarithmic average of six Leq(5mins) data
§ Prior to and after each noise measurement, the meter was calibrated using an acoustic calibrator for 94.0 dB at 1000 Hz. If the difference in the calibration level before and after measurement is more than 1.0 dB, the measurement was considered invalid and repeat of noise measurement will be required after re-calibration or repair of the equipment.
§ At the end of the monitoring period, the values of Leq, L90 and L10 were recorded. In addition, noise sources were recorded on a standard record sheet.
Table 3.3 Construction Noise Monitoring Equipment
Equipment |
Model |
No. of Equipment |
Serial No. |
Sound Level Meter |
Svantek SVAN 971 |
2 |
96062 |
C132269 |
Acoustic Calibrator |
Rion NC-75 |
1 |
34724244 |
§ The microphone head of the sound level meter and calibrator were regularly cleaned with a soft cloth; and
§ The sound level meter and acoustic calibrator were calibrated annually by a HOKLAS accredited laboratory or the manufacturer.
Table 3.4 Action and Limit Levels for Construction Noise Monitoring
Time Period |
Action |
Limit Level |
07:00 – 19:00 on normal weekdays |
When one or more documented complaints are received |
75 dB(A)(1) |
07:00 – 23:00 on holidays; and 19:00 – 23:00 on all other days |
45 dB(A)(2) |
23:00 – 07:00 of the next day |
30 dB(A)(2) |
(1) Between 07:00 and 19:00, construction noise limit for school during normal term time is 70 dB(A) and 65 dB(A) during examination period.
(2) The ASR of identified noise sensitive receivers is “A”, which is a rural area that is not affected by the in Influencing Factors (Ifs). The limit levels are stipulated in the Technical Memorandum on Noise from Construction Work in Designated Areas.
Table 3.5 Summary of Construction Noise Monitoring Results
Monitoring Station |
Noise Level, dB(A) |
Limit Level |
Leq(30mins) |
Minimum |
Maximum |
59.4 |
60.2 |
75 dB(A) |
63.0 |
64.0 |
75 dB(A) |
SSNV_M6(1) |
63.0 |
63.3 |
75 dB(A) |
HC_M3A(1) |
69.3 |
72.6 |
75 dB(A) |
HC_M4 |
59.1 |
59.4 |
75 dB(A) |
HC_M6 |
57.6 |
58.2 |
75 dB(A) |
LFT_M1 |
58.0 |
60.3 |
75 dB(A) |
LFT_M3A(1) |
65.1 |
66.2 |
75 dB(A) |
LFT_M5 |
61.2 |
62.8 |
75 dB(A) |
LFT_M7(2) |
- |
- |
75 dB(A) |
LFT_M11 |
64.4 |
66.5 |
75 dB(A) |
(1) For Free Field measurement, +3 dB(A) was added to the measured results.
(2) Noise monitoring at LFT_M7 has been suspended since 27 March 2024 due to the objection from property management office for providing access to designated monitoring location. The property management office formally refused our application of access right LFT_M7 on 29 May 2024. A proposal for alternative noise monitoring location replacing LFT_M7 at Lin Fa Tei was submitted to Independent Environmental Checker (IEC) and Engineer for their approval.
Table 3.6 Influencing Factors at Noise Monitoring Stations
Monitoring Stations |
Influencing Factors |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
HC_M3A |
Road Traffic Noise |
HC_M4 |
Road Traffic Noise |
HC_M6 |
Road Traffic Noise |
LFT_M1 |
Nil |
Nil |
LFT_M5 |
Road Traffic Noise |
LFT_M7 |
Nil |
LFT_M11 |
Road Traffic Noise |
Freshwater Crab Translocation Plan
Pre-construction Survey Results
Plate 4.1 Site condition of receptor sites at Ha Che and Lin Fa Tei during the reporting month
Receptor site for Cryptopotamon anacoluthon (Upper Receptor Site) at Ha Che |
Receptor site for Somanniathelphusa zanklon (Lower Receptor Site) at Ha Che |
Receptor site for Cryptopotamon anacoluthon and Somanniathelphusa zanklon at Lin Fa Tei
§ detail the approach and design features for restoring/ reinstating the three green channels at Sung Shan New Village, Lin Fa Tei and Ha Che so as to facilitate and promote the colonisation of the freshwater crab and other wildlife after the reinstatement; and
§ detail the monitoring programme to monitor the physical environment of the restored/reinstated channels (i.e. green channels) including water quality, water current, as well as the establishment of riparian vegetation and the biota assemblage that would recolonise the reinstated channel.
Table 8.1 Mitigation Measures for Impacted Graded Historic Buildings
Graded Historic Buildings |
Mitigation Measures |
Lee Tat Bridge, Shui Tsan Tin (Grade 3) |
§ A condition survey should be carried out in advance of works and after completion of works by qualified building surveyor or structural engineer. The Condition Survey Report should contain descriptions of the structure, identification of fragile elements, an appraisal of the condition and working methods for any proposed monitoring and precautionary measures that are or were recommended with aid of photo records. The condition survey report must be submitted to the AMO for comment before construction activities commence and after the works have been completed. The contractor should implement the approved monitoring and precautionary measures. § Vibration, settlement and tilting monitoring should be undertaken during the construction works to ensure that safe levels of vibration are not exceeded. An Alert, Alarm and Action (AAA) vibration limit set at 5 / 6 / 7.5 mm/s for Grade 3 historic buildings, settlement limit set at 6/ 8/ 10mm, and tilting limit set at 1/2000; 1/1500; 1/1000 should be adopted. Monitoring proposal, including checkpoint locations, installation details, response actions for each of the AAA levels and frequency of monitoring should be submitted for AMO's consideration. Installation of monitoring checkpoints shall be carried out in great care and adequate protection shall be provided so as to avoid unnecessary disturbance/ damage to the historic fabrics. Photo records of monitoring checkpoints shall be submitted upon installation for AMO's records. Monitoring records should be submitted to AMO on regular basis and alert AMO should the monitoring reach AAA levels. |
Lan Fong Study Hall, Chuk Hang (Grade 3) |
St John’s Chapel, Cheung Po (Grade 2) |
Table 9.1 Site Inspection Record
Date |
Inspected Site Portion |
Time |
2 May 2024 |
Ha Che |
14:30 pm – 15:00 pm |
8 May 2024 |
Lin Fa Tei and Ha Che |
14:30 pm – 15:00 pm |
16 May 2024 |
Ha Che |
14:30 pm – 15:00 pm |
22 May 2024 |
Lin Fa Tei and Ha Che |
14:30 pm – 15:00 pm |
29 May 2024 |
Lin Fa Tei |
14:30 pm – 15:00 pm |
Date |
Environmental Observations |
Follow-up Status |
2 May 2024 |
Observation(s) and Recommendation(s)
Ha Che: 1. The stagnant water should be removed regularly.
2. The oily stagnant water should be disposed as “chemical waste”. |
Ha Che: 1. The stagnant water had been removed regularly.
2. The oily stagnant water had been disposed as “chemical waste”. |
8 May 2024 |
Observation(s) and Recommendation(s)
Nil |
Nil |
16 May 2024 |
Observation(s) and Recommendation(s)
Ha Che: 1. Geotextile at the site boundary should be well maintained and deployed at the right position.
2. Effluent should be directed to sedimentation tank for treatment before discharge in accordance with discharge license requirement. |
Ha Che: 1. Geotextile at the site boundary had been well maintained and deployed at right position.
2. Effluent had been directed to sedimentation tank for treatment before discharge in accordance with discharge license requirement.
22 May 2024 |
Observation(s) and Recommendation(s)
Nil |
Nil |
29 May 2024 |
Observation(s) and Recommendation(s)
Nil |
Nil |
Ha Che
§ Site Clearance Work
§ Lifting Operation;
§ Plant Operation;
§ Excavation;
§ Sheet Piling; and
§ Installation of Precast Unit
Lin Fa Tei
§ Site Clearance Work
§ Lifting Operation;
§ Plant Operation;
§ Excavation; and
§ Sheet Piling
Sung Shan New Village
§ Site Clearance
§ Only well-maintained plant should be operated on-site, and plant should be maintained regularly during the construction programme; and
§ Quality Powered Mechanical Equipment (QPME) should be adopted as far as possible.
Water Quality
§ Surface run-off from construction sites should be discharged into dedicated discharge point via adequately designed sand/ silt removal facilities;
§ Channels/ earth bunds/ sandbags barriers should be provided on site to properly direct stormwater to silt removal facilities;
§ Silt removal facilities, channels and manholes should be maintained, and the deposited silt and grit should be removed regularly;
§ Open stockpiles of construction materials on sites should be covered with tarpaulin or similar fabric during rainstorms; and
§ Perimeter channels should be provided on site boundaries where necessary to intercept stormwater run-off from outside the site so that it will not wash across the site.
Waste Management
§ Provision of sufficient waste disposal points and regular collection of waste;
§ Regular cleaning and maintenance programme for drainage system; and
§ Chemical containers shall be stored with drip tray underneath.
§ Minimize loss of habitats and associated wildlife; and
§ Using directional lighting to prevent excessive light spill into adjacent natural habitat and disturbance to nocturnal fauna.
Landscape and Visual
§ Construction activities shall be carefully designed to minimize impact on existing retained trees; and
§ Adequate tree protection measures shall be provided for the trees to be retained on site.